Minggu, 08 Juli 2007


Written by Administrator AWI
Sunday, 17 June 2007
As the preparation of Bandung’s joint angklung team for the performance in the concert in Festival Musik Bambu Nusantara held in Jakarta, August 18th 2007, Masyarakat Musik Angklung (Angklung Music Society) or MMA, the coordinator of Bandung’s Angklung Team, organized the first joint rehearsal in the auditorium of SMA Negeri 1 Bandung on May 27th 2007. This joint rehearsal involved 180 angklung players from 6 prominent teams which were divided into three groups, i.e. Group A (Gentra Seba STBA Bandung and SMA Negeri 1 Bandung), Group B (KABUMI UPI and SMA Negeri 2 Bandung), and Group C (KPA SMA Negeri 3 Bandung and Kasepuh SMA Negeri 10 Bandung).
The teams had been chosen by MMA based on their achievements, particularly the SMA teams in the last two angklung competition, FPA ITB 2005 and LMAP UPI 2006.
The joint rehearsal was led by the chairperson of MMA Obby A।R. Wiramihardja, three songs played together by all teams, i.e. Satu Nusa Satu Bangsa and Mars Angklung (arr. by Daeng Soetigna), Andaikan Kau Datang (arr. by Aan Handoyo), and three different group songs, i.e. Pizzicatti Polka (arr. by Eddy Permadi) played by Group A, Kenangan Terindah (arr. Aan Handoyo) played by Group B, and Santorini (arr. Budi Supardiman AWI) played by Group C.The rehearsal was also attended by representative of the Sub Department of Culture, Art, and Film of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Republic of Indonesia, i.e. the Director of Art Mr. Surya Yoga (who also gave his instructions), as well as Eddy Irawan and Wawan Djuanda, the art directors of Festival Musik Bambu Nusantara.

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